Day 1
When you travel by bus/korjaal, you will be picked up in the morning between 8:00 and 8:30 at your accommodation (within Paramaribo Center). By bus you will travel to the korjaal harbor Atjoni in about 2.5 hours. On the way you can already enjoy the colorful culture that Suriname has to offer, you will also pass small villages and settlements of Indians and Creoles. When you arrive at Atjoni, you can stretch your legs and you will be offered lunch. In the meantime, the korjaal will be loaded for the boat trip to Jungle Resort Pingpe. After lunch you will sail in about 3.5 hours on the beautiful Boven-Suriname River to Pingpe, the duration partly depends on the water level of the river. During the trip by korjaal you will see many villages along the river and you can enjoy the beautiful surroundings. In addition, you will see how the local residents are busy with their daily activities, such as doing the laundry, catching fish and children who are happily playing in the water. When departing by plane, you will leave around noon from Zorg en Hoop airport in Paramaribo. You will fly to Djumu airport in approximately 45 minutes, where you will land in the middle of the Surinamese rainforest. From the plane you have a magnificent view of the Surinamese jungle, the large plain with forest and the winding river on which the villages are located. By canoe you will sail from Djumu in approximately 15 minutes to the resort, where a delicious lunch will be ready for you. After your reception at Jungle Resort Pingpe and the use of your lodge, there is an opportunity to swim in the river or relax on the island. After this you will sail to the village of Pingpe to get to know the residents of the village of Pingpe during a village walk. You will see how the people live here and what activities fill their days. After dinner you will meet the local staff and the guide will tell you more about the Saramaccan culture, the language, interesting facts about the island, the area and the program for the next day.
Day 2
After an extensive breakfast, you will take a jungle walk with the guide through the untouched forest and along the fields of the villagers. During the walk, the guide will inform you fully about the various (medicinal) plants, trees, animals and the customs in the jungle. In addition, you will see how the villagers work hard to grow their food on their agricultural plots. In the afternoon, you will return to the resort where a delicious lunch will be ready for you. After this, there is time to recover from the walk and have a nice swim in the river. After dinner, you will take an evening trip with the korjaal. The guide lets the korjaal flow with the current of the river, so that you can enjoy the silence of the jungle, or the beautiful sounds of the jungle, the starry sky and spotting caimans.
Day 3
After breakfast you will sail by canoe to the village of Asindohopo, situated on the Pikin Rio, this is the village of the Granman. You will take a walk through the village and visit the local radio station. After the walk you will sail to the beautiful Tapawatra Sula (rapids), where you can swim and enjoy a natural massage bath. On one of the rocks in the sula you will have lunch during a picnic. On the way back to the resort, you will visit the health centre of Djumu with the guide, which is a central medical post for the wider area. After dinner the local population will treat you to an evening full of culture: singing, dancing and rhythm are the key words of this evening. The ladies from the village become more and more enthusiastic as the guests join in on this evening. (For 4 people and more).
Day 4
Early in the morning you will sail by canoe to the village of Semoisi. Here you will visit the local primary school, where the children of both villages receive their education. After this you will sail back to Jungle Resort Pingpe where breakfast will be ready for you. After breakfast you will go by canoe to Djumu where you will walk the Pineapple Mountains. This mountain range is known for its pineapples and offers a beautiful view of the natural surroundings. After this hike you will sail back to the resort by canoe for lunch. The rest of the afternoon you can spend freely at the resort. Your last evening will end with a campfire on the island with the telling of beautiful stories.
Day 5
When you travel back by canoe/bus, you will leave after breakfast by canoe to Atjoni. You will sail downstream for about 2.5 hours. In the boat or on Atjoni itself you can enjoy another delicious lunch before you transfer to the bus. After the bus ride of about 2 hours you will arrive in Paramaribo. When you leave by plane you can use the last morning to swim in the river again, laze in the sun or read a book in a hammock. Around noon it is time for an early lunch before leaving by canoe to the airport of Djumu. Then you fly from the airstrip back to airport Zorg en Hoop.